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May 7, 2017

Lembeh,Bangka,Sangihe Island 29-Apr 06-May-17

For this trip Raja Manta made a cruise to an area where virtually no other boats operate anymore. We used our long term dive masters Anto and Stanny's experience in the Sangihe islands, where they had dived over 7 years ago. The whole region proved to be stunning both above & below the waves, with mighty smoking Volcanoes standing guard over azure blue waters packed with amazing marine life. AFter this trip we cannot wait to return!

Our opening check dive was made in Lembeh, where macro mega stars watched on as guests re-tuned buoancy and checked equipment for the upcoming safari. We then sailed overnight to Pulau Ruang. Pulau ruang is an active volcano which erupted some 15 years ago. We did 2 dives on the coral covered lava flow and 2 macro dives in the black volcanic sand. Many ornate ghost pipefish were found as well as the rarer Halimeda and Velvet ghost pipefish. 
Day 3 was spent in the stunning islands of Mahoro, Lawaeng. We awoke to clear blue skies and a huge volcano with plumes of smoke rising from its crater. We dived the twin pinnacle close to Mahoro and Batu Jendela. The pinnacle was everybody's favourite. Schooling eagle rays made several passes not bothered by us at all. Schooling surgeon fish, rainbow runners and an immense schools if blue fin trevally were seen chasing and predating on small reef fish. A Big school of Barracuda was a sight to behold especially when they moved to the top of the pinnacle in shallow water. A white tip reef shark was also seen on the deeper side. Orange soft corals covered the pinnacle.
As we crossed between locations we were met by welcoming pods of Bottle-nosed Dolphin's, that were happy to follow the boat, playing in the wake of our bow.
Next day we moved a little further north to the underwater volcano. Crystal clear water and layers and layers of colourful hard corals made this dive site one to remember. In the afternoon we dived another pinnacle in the Pulau para area. Amazing pelagic action. Schooling muscly Big Eye Tuna were out in the blue chasing the dense schools of red tooth trigger fish and fusiliers. A shy grey reef was also spotted. A fabulous night dive in para was made by some guests, stary night octopus,dwarf cuttlefish, slipper lobster and all kinds of nudibranch's were found.
The following morning we decided to dive the pinnacle that Chris aptly named sashimi again. This time there were less big eye tuna but a monster school if Bonito tuna, 1000's of fish and they went around the reef for the whole dive. 
Day 5 was spent exploring more amazing submerged pinnacles around the Nenoeng island group. 
Day 6 we did 3 dives at Bangka. We loved the vibrant reefs and amazing fish life.
2 more dives in the mainland of north Sulawesi. Macro heaven on rich, healthy reefs. One dive we found 7 individual giant frogfish.
Last day diving 3 dives in lembeh strait. Macro heaven, what else can I say!!
After such an amazing first visit to the Sanghie islands all of the Raja Manta crew cannot wait to return!! If you would like to join us we will be back in August, you can book now on our website - join us on ;
Lembeh,Bangka,Sangihe Island


Trip: WMMDC 29-Apr-17 06-May-17 Indonesia Lembeh,Bangka,Sangihe Island
Author: Ross